Lesbians are women who are attracted to other women. Here’s the story of one particular lesbian, presented as it was told to me.

Growing up in India was hell for her

Let’s call the girl this story is about Amy.

Amy first felt sexual attraction at the age of 12 and it wasn’t a boy. There were about five friends that Amy hung out with. Many of them seemed to notice boys. At that age, however, they didn’t much talk about it. Still, Amy knew there was something different about what she felt. For one, she didn’t understand why they’d choose to notice boys instead of girls. 

By age 15, Amy’s friends had developed their fascination for boys with quite a bit of complexity. They talked about big hard chests, strong hips, sculpted abdomens, crotch bulges, strong & long legs, and butt dimples. When Amy tried to notice those things, she only saw sweaty, smelly & gritty pieces of flesh.

But her friends didn’t stop there. They also talked about sexy “sleepy” voices, “adorable” fears and insecurities, “adorable” obliviousness to good looks and “cute, goofy” behavior. These complex depths to what the girls felt made Amy question herself, more seriously. She almost felt like there was something wrong with her. 

At age 18, Amy tried to make a sexual advance on one of her friends. This friend had well defined curves, slender legs, voluptuous breasts and gorgeous hair. But this friend didn’t like Amy back in “that” way. In fact, she got really upset and cut off contact with Amy. The girl even spread rumors among her connections that Amy was a bad, indecent girl, who was not the right influence to have around. 

Amy spent ages 19-23 trying desperately to change. She hated herself. She hated God. She hated everything. It became near impossible for her to hang out with girls casually after the incident with her friend, and she couldn’t take part in all the fun they were having through romance and dating. Amy went to great lengths to change herself. She watched male gay porn and obsessed about it, waiting to find something sexy about those men. But it just didn’t happen, even after weeks and months of trying. She went to faith healers and bought self-help books. She’d turn over magazine covers of sexy women so she wouldn’t have to look at them. She even went through the 12 step addiction recovery program to “cleanse” her “addiction” to female bodies. Then, one day, at around age 23, Amy finally reached out to a lesbian support group. 

Things took a positive turn from there

Amy had a loving family. Of course, they didn’t know about her homosexuality. But, they took care of all her practical needs – education, finances etc and they supported her through all the hard times with her friends and teachers. Despite this, not once did Amy feel like there was someone in her corner. Like there was someone to lean on when she had problems. This changed when she met another lesbian at the support group.

We’ll call this other lesbian Jill. For the first time, Amy could surrender herself to someone without fear or doubts. Jill was fantastic. She was well read, funny, inspiring with her lesbian courage and gorgeous to look at. Or, at least, Amy felt she was. After being with Jill, Amy realized why she never acknowledged or appreciated anything that her family had done for her. It was because they couldn’t help her with the one problem that she need help with the most. Coming out and being happy as a lesbian. Jill had helped her with that. So Amy was able to acknowledge Jill as a source of support in a way she’d never been able to do with her family. 

Where is Amy today?

Today, Amy is 26 years old and happily married to Jill, in America. She came out to her family at about 24 years of age with a lot of support from Jill. Her family, being as loving as they were, showed no negative sentiments about her nature. But Amy could tell from their face and voice tone that they were having quite a bit of trouble with it. That’s when Jill stepped in and explained to Amy that it was natural for them to have some trouble with it. What was important is that they wanted their daughter to feel their love and support, no matter what.

Amy went through absolute hell in the early years of her life. She had no moments or memories from college or high school. No stories worth telling, and no humor worth keeping. But, today, she has numerous moments and memories, with the one person who she loves more than her own family. The one person who made the world heaven for her. 

That’s it for this anecdote. I have other stories from the LGBTQ+ community, but I thought I’d start with this one. As always, I’d love to hear from you in the comments!